Hosket is a programming language that allows you to work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently


Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, learning and using Hosket is very easy.
You can download Hosket simply by clicking the button below:

Which will give you access to all the features of Hosket, such as:

No parentheses to call the function

Many emerging languages such as Python, Javascript, C++, .. all call functions that need brackets, but Hosket follows the same direction as simple languages such as Batch, Bash, PowerShell, ..

print "Hello, World!"


Table is like Dictionary but in addition Table can also be like a List! It's really simple, but the idea is taken from the Lua programming language.

load table # Importing table module
a = {}
k = "x"
table.set a, k, 10 # new entry, with key = "x" and value = 10
table.set a, 20, "hello" # new entry, with key = 20 and value = "hello"
print a["x"] # 10
print a[20] # "hello"
print a # {'x' = 10, 20 = 'hello'}

Cool control statements syntax

Hosket, before thinking of the idea to build a programming language, sometimes had problems in simulating the idea, so I decided to add $( ) to open and close code block.

a = 5
if a == 5 $(
    print "a is 5!"
) else $(
    print "No way!"
loop 10 $(
    print "I get to print 10 times!"
loop $(
    print "FOREVER!1!1!!"

Function callback but something went wrong..

Because the idea of building Hosket is to not have parentheses when calling the function, so after thinking about it for a while, I came up with the idea of adding
|<function> <arguments>|

func sum a, b $(
    give a + b

print |sum 3, 5| # 8 also why? cuz yes B)

Only few reserved keywords, data types

Hosket is a programming language that is still in the process of developing additional features like today's emerging languages, but Hosket has a number of reserved keywords of only 8 and data types have exactly 4 types!

if else loop skip stop func give load
a = "Hello, World!" # This is str type!
b = 123 # This is num type!
c = 1.24 # Also this is num type too!
d = {1, 2, 3} # This is table type! Or you can call it an array
e = {0 = "Hi", "abc": 456, attr = print} # This is "real" table type!
func f $() # This is func type!

But Hosket also has built-in types.

<module> <object> <built-in function>

and much more!

Ready to get started? Here are some links to help you out: (COMING SOON!)